February 17th, 2025123695In JavaScript, we can use MediaDevices and the MediaDevices and MediaRecorder interfaces to record the user's screen.
The MediaDevices interface prompts users to...
February 16th, 20253650We are going to share you some cool JavaScript features you will love them features like Base64 encoding and decoding, The vibration API, Constants, CSS property is...
February 16th, 202521122Use objects/classes to encapsulate your application logic and try not to pollute the global variable scope as this can cause frustrating problems such as libraries not...
February 13th, 202561906In PHP, there are a variety of ways in which you can sanitize the user input, depending on your needs. The htmlspecialchars function allows you to transform every...
February 13th, 202521632
Show image before the upload is a requirement of every web application to give good user experience. We published a tutorial that doesn't work in all browsers so;...
February 13th, 2025914119
In this tutorial I will show you how to compress images before upload to server, usually we don't compress images and upload them directly to server and then compress...
February 13th, 202535874I have found a good mobile based swipe tab here and really loved it so now I am sharing it with you. Its very simple and very useful tutorial you can use these tabs in...
February 12th, 20253835Math.random() - generates a randon number between 0 and 1. You can multiply the number to get a number in a different range.
Math.floor(numberHere) - it would trim...
February 10th, 202521558You can use the date function to generate a date string of your desired format. As a second parameter, you can add a UNIX timestamp representing the date that you wish...