Categories: PHP

How do you become a highly-focused Software Developer

Tips and tricks will help you increase your concentration.

It’s crucial to be focused and stay clear of distractions, other distractions… You know all that, so we’ll get going.

What’s the goal of our company?

  • To eliminate any obstacles.
  • To be well-planned for tasks.
  • Focus on one task at one time. (No multitasking)

According to an University of California Irvine study that working in a noisy environment can cause tension, anger, pressure, workload and stress.

1. Create your environment

Focusing more is to get rid of distractions as often as possible. So what I do prior to beginning my day is to prepare my surroundings so that it does not interfere with my focus at all. Here are some tips.

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  • Reduce the table Take everything you don’t require off the table.
  • Drink some drinking water and a beverage It is essential so that you don’t feel thirsty during an activity and then when you finished drinking you’ve lost track of what you were doing.
  • Set the biggest distraction in history (the cellphone) in a different room The mere presence of your phone sitting on the table will make your brain tired because you’ll always be in the process of waiting for notifications, or, at the very least, spend time avoiding going through social media.
  • Allow notifications to be disabled when you are working You can turn off notifications until you complete your little task. Once you’re done, you can go through the emails or chats on Slack.
  • Music: This is personal to you, but it’s always best to select music that you don’t have to change every day, For instance, one track of music that loops or a playlist you love.
  • Remove the applications you don’t require.
  • Get rid of your tabs and limit them to 4 tabs.

2. Make a plan for your tasks

Software developers like to code after (or when) going through the requirements, however, I believe that most of us know it could cost us the time and effort to write the code many times or be impeded by something that isn’t.

What you need to do is get a pen and a piece of paper and begin planning the project. The goal is…

  • Note down the conditions
  • Do small tasks to accomplish your desired goal.
  • Note down the edges of the cases and if there’s something that is not there or requires to be clarified, you can ask the product’s owner or another to clarify this.

In doing this, you’ll create a task you understand only once without having to write the code a thousand times or find a way to fix a bug because you didn’t know something obvious :).

3. Small tasks and short breaks

Your surroundings are prepared, you’ve eliminated all distractions, and are completely bored after reading this post… it seems you’re prepared to begin your project.

What you must try to do is concentrate on one thing for 25-30 minutes with short breaks, and a great way to practice is to employ the Pomodoro Technique

  1. Choose a task you can complete in between 25 and 35 minutes
  2. Start your timer
  3. Have a brief break of 5-10 minutes
  4. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times before getting an additional rest period of 15-30 minutes.

The 8-hour time frame is quite a challenge, but by doing 4-6 Pomodoros you will be able to complete most of the tasks you have to complete for the day. After that, you can answer emails and everything else.

Here are some suggestions to use the Pomodoro Technique. Here are some tips for the Pomodoro Technique.

1. It is possible to be flexible with your time So, pick a time that is suitable for your needs For example 25 seems too inadequate, you could test 50 minutes of work with breaks every 10-15 minutes.

2. In your breaks, make sure you don’t check your mobile since it’s going to stop you from taking a break and can take away your brain’s energy, instead, recharge your water, or simply stretch out a bit.

3. Make use of software to help with everything, I’m using Be Focused on Mac It’s free and fantastic but I’m certain there are many great alternatives on Windows.

Be aware that “Multitasking”means the capability of fumbling several things at the same time So, just concentrate only on one thing at a time and everything will be fine.

Final thoughts

It’s not easy to implement everything at once, so it’s best to choose a few ideas you like and then begin to implement your own life. once you’ve mastered them, you can add every day to your daily routine. Keep working until you’ve got it down.

I hope you enjoyed this blog.

Huzoor Bux: I am a PHP Developer