7 Top Reasons to Learn JavaScript in 2021

It is the beginning of a new year. Many have broken their new year’s resolution already. However, have you ever considered learning a brand computer programming language in 2021? If you have, why don’t you start today? Here are the reasons you should start learning the JavaScript programming language in 2021.

1. It Is the Popular Computer Language

According to a Developer Survey 2020 by StackOverflow, JavaScript is taken to be one of the most commonly used programming languages used by developers. For the 8th consecutive time, it has topped this survey. In fact, its popularity is much higher if you ask all the professional developers out there.

2. It Has a Large Ecosystem

JavaScript is extremely popular and this is the reason you will find thousands of libraries and tutorials. npm has the largest registration in the world.

At first, it might not appear too important to you but when you start to learn the language, you might require some help. So, the size of the community plays an important role. When you have access to a large number of programs, it becomes much easier for you to meet a like-minded person who will be able to support your journey.

Moreover, millions of developers are using JavaScript every day and some of them are not silent. You will come across a large number of tutorials over the internet.

3. It Is Omnipresent

So, what are you really interested in, full-stack, backend, or frontend development? Or do you want to create a desktop, web, or mobile application? Or are you considering being a game developer? No matter what you plan to do, you can use JavaScript. Furthermore, if you want to perform serverless functions, you can use JavaScript, too.

4. It Is the Language of the Browsers

You might be thinking, JavaScript isn’t the only one, there is also WebAssembly. Nevertheless, JavaScript is here to stay and WASM is not going to change in time to come. In case you are working on something that is web-related, you are going to need the help of JavaScript. Sure, you will be able to create a backend in Java or C#. However, if you are working on the frontend, you might have to face JavaScript.

See Also: 9 Best Programming languages you should learn in 2021

5. It Is Efficient and Fast

Have you ever heard of PayPal or Netflix? These are the two platforms among many other small and big sites that have switched to JavaScript (Node.js.). With this change, they found that their website is working much faster. Moreover, they were able to enjoy all the features at an affordable price. Moreover, the JavaScript platform takes less time to be developed and requires less maintenance cost. So, it is a win-win situation for both.

6. It Is Fun and Easy to Learn

Okay, so this pointer might be a little opinionated but with so many tutorials, interactive playgrounds, and eBooks available over the internet. Learning JavaScript is fun. So, if you are planning to study this, you can easily get started. You do not even have to go to a school to learn it as you can learn it digitally.

7. It Is Constantly Evolving

This might be a negative point for money. JavaScript is a computer language that is changing constantly for the better. New constructs and features are added on a regular basis. With the rise of TypeScript and Babel, you will be able to use language features that aren’t generally available. Isn’t that cool? Every time you study, you will get to learn something new.

It has a wide range of utilities and it is one of the primary reasons why you need to invest in JavaScript. When you know this, you will be able to develop a whole web application starting from the front end to the backend.

Bottom Line

Learning JavaScript in this New Year 2021 is no doubt the best thing that you can do. In case you want to kick-start your career as a developer, JavaScript definitely is something that you need to checkout. When it comes to certain use-cases, other programming languages might be much ahead of JavaScript. Nevertheless, you can always learn from others later on. So, it is better if you learn JavaScript first.

My choice of language would be TypeScript. You can take it as a superset of JavaScript. Take it as a layer that is present at the top of JavaScript and adds many incredible features of the language. In case this article has sparked your interest, you should start with your JavaScript learning experience.

Huzoor Bux: I am a PHP Developer