Useful Laravel functions and methods, Part-1

Laravel is one of the best PHP Framework so we are going to show you some cool functions and methods…

Ivan Dimov

Useful PHP built-in functions

Some useful PHP built-in functions explained below very helpful for beginners.

Ivan Dimov

10 Programming Habits that every Developer Should Adopt

Learning programming is fun and easy, but writing down a good quality code can be a little bit daunting task.…

JavaScript tips and tricks, Part 2

Minifying your code makes it smaller in size which increases the website’s loading speed, which increases the ranking of the…

Huzoor Bux

Working with dates in PHP and JavaScript

You can use the date function to generate a date string of your desired format. As a second parameter, you…

Ivan Dimov

HTML based swipe Tabs for mobile / touch devices

I have found a good mobile based swipe tab here and really loved it so now I am sharing it…

Huzoor Bux

Sanitizing input with PHP and JavaScript

In PHP, there are a variety of ways in which you can sanitize the user input, depending on your needs.…

Ivan Dimov

Cool HTML5 features

You can be more specific, for example, by stipulating image/png instead of the wildcard image/* which accepts all kinds of…

Ivan Dimov

Cool HTM5 Features, Part 2

The tel input type stands for telephone while the others should be self-evident. It is good to start using them…

Ivan Dimov

Useful JavaScript globals

Math.random() - generates a randon number between 0 and 1. You can multiply the number to get a number in…

Ivan Dimov